måndag 1 december 2014

why you can't be both a scientist and an atheist (it is not what you think)

why you can't be both a scientist and an atheist (it is not what you think)

General artificial intelligenece is really a theory of science. Recent developments in general AI are spectacular. Marcus Hutter has formulated a general theory of optimal intelligence aka optimal scientific behavior or an optimal scientific method. It states that we should simulataneously consider all non-disproven theories but with different confidence for each (he calls it Epicures princip). There are several variants of theories of an existing "god" that hasn't been disproven. They must then be considered in one's actions but with a certain "confidence" ot belief which might be small depending on how you have built you theories.
It differs from tea-pot theories in the sense that there are humans that claim experiences consistent with the god theory but what I know not the tea-pot theories.
That is why god must be believed by every scientist however possibly with a very small confidence factor, depending on your heuristics.

lördag 22 november 2014

The Nordin Maximal Bearable Knowledge Horizon

The Nordin Maximal Bearable Knowledge Horizon -

is the set of all truths that an individual can bear, endure and tolerate, without going crazy, suicidal, 'in denial' or deeply irrational.

The horizon is finite for most or all people.

onsdag 8 oktober 2014

Manifesto: Nordin Morality and general etics

  • With the advent of rigid methods for universal artificial intelligence we are presented with new methods and challenges for ethical and moral behavior. For instance the beautiful AIXI method gives us frameworks and tools optimally solve intellectual challenges.
  • Quantitative and constrained utilitarism gives the objective function of a general AI algorithms to optimize against.
  • It may prove highly immoral not to work extensionally toward practical methods for "general ethics" based on these to concepts, simply because doing so may relieve the world of huge amounts of suffering now and in the future.
  • There are challenges in defining the right "utility" for the algorithms
  • But methods to quantify well-being and happiness are rapidly progressing, and a complete theory is not needed for our work to begin.
Nordin Morality = universal AI + quantitative utilitarian well-being

No other research today can be more important than to explore and implement this ethical method.